In the following photographic constructions with text, I scanned the negatives and then divided them into multiple sections in PhotoShop (in this case there are 81 sections, each of which were printed 5" x 5". I alternated B & W prints with color and then manually joined them into the 45" x 45" construction).
Text in image reads: Everything he perceived had a direct relationship with him. His senses were bombarded. He felt time and space so strongly. He watched the position of the sun slowly change in the sky. He felt the cloud move more quickly as it approached the sun. An airplane flew by, and each could be related to sizes that were distinct from their own reality. The sun appeared to be one inch in diameter, the cloud, one half an inch, the plane; two inches as it flew at a low altitude. Cars and buses sped by filled with people going to places that he wished he knew, obeying traffic rules that had no relation to the sky except what he wished to give. And there he stood, with parallel and perpendicular lines everywhere. There he stood, co-ordinating all of these thoughts with the intensity of one who knew that if he did not, all would fall apart.
All Images and Texts copyright James Barth, 1972-2021